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Saturday, March 13, 2010
Orange Dwarf Confirmed To Be On Collision Course With Earth
From Popular Science:
Our solar system's 'hood may get a bit rougher sometime during the next 1.5 million years. An astronomer has given an 86 percent chance for a neighboring star to smash into the frozen Oort Cloud surrounding the outskirts of the solar system, and may scatter some comets toward Earth, Technology Review reports.
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Google Widens Assault On Microsoft's Dominance Of Business Software

Google is to broaden its assault on Microsoft's dominance of the market for business software by launching on online marketplace for other companies' enterprise products.
The internet search giant wants to convert companies to using applications piped over the internet in a challenge to Microsoft's model of selling licences of its Windows operating system and software programs such as Office.
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Revealed: The 160 Species Living Inside Our Guts
From The Independent:
Scientists have decoded the DNA of the bacteria that take up residence in the typical human body.
Some scientists dream of sending a probe to Mars, others work on ways of exploring the sea bed with robotic submersibles. Now a team of researchers have boldly gone where no human has gone before – they have decoded all the bacterial genes found in the human gut.
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World's Oldest Rivers Mapped Under Huge Desert Dunes
From New Scientist:
A network of ancient rivers and streams that once flowed beneath Australia's Simpson desert – famed for its dune fields – has been mapped in a new study. The map could lead the way to valuable minerals and water resources in this drying continent.
Michael Hutchinson and John Stein of the Australian National University in Canberra extracted data from previous ground surveys to map an ancient river system 35 metres below the surface of the desert. They think the channels are among the world's oldest at 50 million years old, when the now barren land would have been lush and well watered.
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Extinct Elephant Bird Of Madagascar Could Live Again
From The Telegraph:
Towering 10 feet into the air and weighing more than half a ton, it was the biggest bird that ever lived until French colonists wiped it out more than three hundred years ago.
But the giant elephant bird of Madagascar could be resurrected after scientists discovered how to extract DNA from ancient egg shells.
Genetic material from the bird along with extinct emus of Australia and moas of New Zealand have been collected by a new technique.
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Friday, March 12, 2010
Traces Of The Past: Computer Algorithm Able To 'Read' Memories
From Science Daily:
Science Daily (Mar. 11, 2010) — Computer programs have been able to predict which of three short films a person is thinking about, just by looking at their brain activity. The research, conducted by scientists at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging at UCL (University College London), provides further insight into how our memories are recorded.
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Oil Production To Peak In 2014, Scientists Predict
From Live Science:
Predicting the end of oil has proven tricky and often controversial, but Kuwaiti scientists now say that global oil production will peak in 2014.
Their work represents an updated version of the famous Hubbert model, which correctly predicted in 1956 that U.S. oil reserves would peak within 20 years. Many researchers have since tried using the model to predict when worldwide oil production might peak.
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MoD Trains Army To Fight Using Sophisticated Video Games
From The Daily Mail:
Poised with a rifle in the desert terrain, a British soldier dives for cover as he comes under enemy fire. But amazingly he comes to no harm... because he's sitting in a Bristol armed forces base 3,500 miles from the front line in Afghanistan.
Soldiers are being prepared for combat using a newly upgraded virtual training system. Called Op JCOVE, it runs on PCs and laptops and allows soldiers to experience a wide range of scenarios both in vehicles and on foot.
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2011 Ford F-Series Super Duty Test Drive
From Popular Mechanics:
PHOENIX, Ariz.—Has the definition of leadership in the heavy-duty/super-duty truck segment changed since the last time Ford, Chevrolet/GMC, and Dodge brought out new truck bruisers? Make no mistake: Horsepower, torque, towing and payload are still the primary fields of battle for winning over ranchers, construction workers and contractors. But we can add another event to the heavy-duty Olympics, according to those customers—fuel economy. That's right. Even with gas and diesel comfortably below $3.00 a gallon in most parts of the U.S., fuel economy has become the new torque when it comes to impressing customers. Ford, in fact, named fuel economy as its leading concern when it set out to build a new diesel engine after severing its relationship with diesel-engine supplier Navistar. The results are surprising, and may well entice Dodge and Chevy owners.
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Are Our Asteroid-Destroying Nukes Big Enough?
From Popular Science:
A new study shows that blasted asteroids could re-form, Terminator-style.
Pop quiz. An asteroid the size of Manhattan is hurtling towards Earth, its impact is sure to result in mass extinction and the destruction of humanity as we know it. What do you do?
The traditional answers would be "blow it up". But new research from Los Alamos National Lab and the University of California, Santa Cruz, shows that if the asteroid isn't moving fast enough, or if the nuke isn't big enough, the asteroid will pull itself back together, T-1000-style, within a matter of hours.
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OnLive Threatens To End Video Gaming As We Know It
From Times Online:
The era of the video games console is under threat after the launch today of a service which streams high-quality games over the internet to the computer or TV set.
For years those who wanted to play sophisticated, action-packed games have used controllers and consoles. Now gamers will get the chance to play high-end immersive games over the internet with the arrival of OnLive, which promises to deliver the most advanced games on demand to their PC or Mac computer.
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Hadron Collider To Be Closed Amid Fears Of A Very Big Bang
From The Independent:
12-month shutdown to repair design flaw that could break apart world's most expensive scientific experiment.
The world's single most complicated and expensive scientific experiment, designed to discover the "God particle" and recreate the conditions that existed at the dawn of creation, will be switched off for a year to correct a design problem that could break it apart if it ran on full power.
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Obesity: Food Kills, Flab Protects
From The New Scientist:
OBESITY kills, everyone knows that. But is it possible that we've been looking at the problem in the wrong way? It seems getting fatter may be part of your body's defence against the worst effects of unhealthy eating, rather than their direct cause.
This curious insight comes at the same time as several studies distancing obesity itself from a host of diseases it has long been blamed for, including heart disease and diabetes.
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Has Twitter Reached Its Peak?
From The Guardian:
Micro-blogging service Twitter's user growth has almost levelled off since September 2009, according to a study.
Twitter's growth seems to have lost its momentum, according to a new study.
Growth in the micro-blogging service's number of users peaked at nearly 20% last April, but had dropped down to 0.15% in December 2009, says a study by Barracuda Networks.
Short Blasts Of Exercise As Good As Hours Of Training, Scientists Find

From The Telegraph:
Less really can be more when it comes to exercise, scientists have discovered.
The body can get as much benefit from a short but intensive bursts of exercise lasting ten minutes than it can from ten hours of moderate training.
The technique not only takes less time but also involves much less physical effort.
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First Contact: The Man Who'll Welcome Aliens
From The Guardian:
If we are ever contacted by aliens, the man I'm having lunch with will be one of the first humans to know. His name is Paul Davies and he's chair of the Seti (Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Post-Detection Task Group. They're a group of the world's most eminent scientists and will be, come the big day, the planet's alien welcome committee. His is an awesome responsibility, and one he doesn't take lightly.
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Scientists Discover 600 Million-Year-Old Origins of Vision
From Science Daily:
Science Daily (Mar. 12, 2010) — By studying the hydra, a member of an ancient group of sea creatures that is still flourishing, scientists at UC Santa Barbara have made a discovery in understanding the origins of human vision.
The finding is published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B, a British journal of biology.
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Why The Chile Earthquake Aftershock Was So Big
From Live Science:
The whopping 7.2-magnitude aftershock that rattled Chile again today is nothing unusual following such a large original earthquake, scientists say.
The aftershock, which struck at about 11:40 am local time, may sound surprisingly strong, given that it is bigger than the original earthquake that decimated Haiti in January, but it wasn't unexpected to scientists, said Don Blakeman, a geophysicist with the United States Geological Survey.
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Absent-Mindedness Is A Middle-Aged Male Problem, Research Shows
From The Guardian:
Women come out best in listening and recollection tests in study by University of London's Institute of Education.
It's been an endless source of aggravation between the sexes; how can men so easily forget birthdays, anniversaries, and even friends' names?
Not, it seems, because they cannot be bothered to remember. Research suggests that, in middle age at least, absent-minded-ness is a particularly male problem.
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Pretty In Pink: One Of World's Rarest Camellias Blooms In London Conservatory

From The Daily Mail:
It lived through the Battle of Trafalgar, survived the reign of Victoria and escaped unharmed from a Blitz bomb.
So it's going to take more than a harsh British winter to stop one of the world's rarest camellias from bursting into flower.
This week - in a welcome sign that spring is just around the corner - the "Middlemist's red" has put on one of its most spectacular displays in many years.
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As China And US Plan to Exploit "Burning Ice" For Fuel, The Ice Race Is On
From Popular Science:
Methane hydrate crystals show promise as a clean energy source.
When methane and freezing cold water fuse under tremendous pressure, they create a substance as paradoxical as it coveted: burning ice. Earlier in the year, a report from the National Research Council identified the combustible water, also known as methane hydrate, as a potential source of natural gas. Now, according to the Chinese news organization Xinhau, China is joining the US, Japan, and South Korea in the hunt for this weird mineral.
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Extreme Physics At The Ends Of The Earth
From New Scientist:
When science was young, the experiments were simple and the breakthroughs came easily - or so it seems in hindsight. Think of Galileo rolling a ball down an inclined plane, or aiming a simple tube, with a lens at each end, at the night sky. Or picture Michael Faraday discovering electromagnetic induction just by tinkering with a battery, an iron ring and some coils of wire.
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Quantum Computing Thrives On Chaos

From Wired/Science News:
Embracing chaos just might help physicists build a quantum brain. A new study shows that disorder can enhance the coupling between light and matter in quantum systems, a find that could eventually lead to fast, easy-to-build quantum computers.
Quantum computers promise superfast calculations that precisely simulate the natural world, but physicists have struggled to design the brains of such machines. Some researchers have focused on designing precisely engineered materials that can trap light to harness its quantum properties. To work, scientists have thought, the crystalline structure of these materials must be flawlessly ordered — a nearly impossible task.
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Obama Facing Uprising Over New NASA Strategy

WASHINGTON, March 10 - U.S. President Barack Obama is trying to tamp down an uprising in politically vital Florida against a new strategy for NASA that has rankled space veterans and lawmakers and sparked fears of job losses.
Obama's decision to kill NASA's Constellation program to launch astronauts into orbit and return Americans to the moon has prompted soul-searching on whether the United States is prepared to cede a pre-eminent space role to Russia and China.
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Avatar Director James Cameron Hails 3D TV As 'The Future' Despite Fears Screens Could Cause Health Problems

From The Daily Mail:
Avatar director James Cameron hailed 3D TV as 'the future' last night as he helped launch a range of 3D television sets.
At a glitzy launch in New York of Samsung 3D sets, he told the crowd: 'You will all remember that you were here, in Times Square, for the launch of the television of the future.'
The Black Eyed Peas were called in to perform and lend the event a touch of glamour as fears surfaced that viewers could experience health problems while watching the screens.
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Airline Twitter Promotion Attracts Huge Crowds

From CNET:
NEW YORK--It was apparently one step short of a cattle stampede when low-cost airline JetBlue used its Twitter account to announce that as part of its 10th anniversary celebration it would be giving out about a thousand free round-trip tickets at three undisclosed locations in Manhattan on Wednesday.
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Thursday, March 11, 2010
Smell of Salt Air Surprisingly Detected a Mile High and 900 Miles Inland
From Science Daily:
Science Daily (Mar. 11, 2010) — The smell of sea salt in the air is a romanticized feature of life along a seacoast. Wind and waves kick up spray, and bits of sodium chloride -- common table salt -- can permeate the air.
It is believed that as much as 10 billion metric tons of chloride enters the air mass through this process each year, but just a tiny fraction -- perhaps one-third of 1 percent -- does anything but fall back to the surface.
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Studying Snail Shells to Build Better Body Armor
From Live Science:
Christine Ortiz is an associate professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Mass. Recently Ortiz and a team of researchers at the National Science Foundation-supported Materials Research Science and Engineering Center at MIT reported on the protective armor of a rare iron-plated gastropod mollusk, the so-called "scaly-foot gastropod." The snail thrives 2.5 miles below the central Indian Ocean, within the Kairei Indian hydrothermal vent field, and its shell is fused with granular iron sulfide. Understanding the physical and mechanical properties of the snail could improve load-bearing and protective materials in everything from aircraft hulls to sports equipment. You can read more about the iron-armored snail in a recent NSF press release, and you can learn more about Ortiz as she answers the ScienceLives 10 questions below.
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How The Web Has Changed Us
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From The CBS:
Yahoo! Survey Finds Reading, Writing, Commerce, Cooking and Dieting Changed By Internet Access
(CBS) When was the last time you thumbed through a cookbook? Or used a phonebook? Most of us now rely on a computer to get the most basic information in an instant.
Popular search engine Yahoo! is celebrating its 15th birthday this week, and they launched a survey looking at just how much our lives have changed since the Web took hold. Heather Cabot, Yahoo!'s Web life editor, shared the survey's surprising results on "The Early Show."
The survey highlights the responses of more than 1,800 Internet users ages 25 to 64.
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How It Works: Upscaling 2-D Video To 3-D
From Popular Science:
3-D TVs are finally going on sale--sans content. So some sets are claiming the ability to add a third dimension to your 2-D broadcasts.
More than a year after the first consumer 3-D-ready HDTVs were demoed at CES, the next generation of sets are going on sale this week. But, aside from the new TVs, glasses, and Blu-ray players, the question of content remains. While there are already brand partnerships with networks like Discovery and ESPN, that's just the tip of the iceberg. As an alternative, the two companies with 3-D TVs but without major brand-name cable partners (Samsung and Toshiba) showed off sets that could convert 2-D video to 3-D in real time.
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'Terminator' Asteroids Could Re-Form After Nuke
From New Scientist:
THE regenerating liquid-metal robots in the Terminator movies have a cosmic relation: incoming asteroids that quickly reassemble if blasted by a nuclear bomb.
If a sizeable asteroid is found heading towards Earth, one option is to nuke it. But too small a bomb would cause the fragments to fly apart only slowly, allowing them to clump together under their mutual gravity. Simulations now show this can happen in an alarmingly short time.
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A Lot Is Riding On SpaceX Rocket
From The L.A. Times:
The Hawthorne firm's Falcon 9 is a major contender to cheaply carry astronauts and cargo into orbit.
A new rocket 18 stories tall and waiting to be launched from a pad in Cape Canaveral, Fla., could determine the fate of a private aerospace venture in Hawthorne -- and even possibly NASA's space program.
The Falcon 9 booster, developed by Space Exploration Technologies Corp., is going through final preparations for its maiden test flight and could blast off as early as next month.
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Climategate: Three Of The Four Temperature Datasets Now Irrevocably Tainted

The warmist response to Climategate — the discovery of the thoroughly corrupt practices of the Climate Research Unit (CRU) — was that the tainted CRU dataset was just one of four independent data sets. You know. So really there’s no big deal.
Thanks to a FOIA request, the document production of which I am presently plowing through — and before that, thanks to the great work of Steve McIntyre, and particularly in their recent, comprehensive work, Joseph D’Aleo and Anthony Watts — we know that NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) passed no one’s test for credibility. Not even NASA’s.
Tricks To Keep Your Device’s Battery Going And Going
From New York Times:
If you’re a recent convert to smartphones, you’re probably still discovering all the amazing things that your new BlackBerry, Android phone or iPhone can do. But one thing you most likely found out right away: the more you do, the shorter your phone’s battery lasts.
While a standard cellphone’s charge can easily go three days or more, many smartphone owners are dismayed to learn that their new mobile toy requires charging every 24 hours, or even more often. It was great that I could use one device — my iPhone — to check my calendar and respond to multiple incoming calls during January’s Consumer Electronics Show, but I paid the price when its battery died at 2 p.m.
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Early Earth Embroiled In Constant Solar Storm
From Cosmos:
SYDNEY: A weak magnetic field and powerful solar wind stripped water from the early Earth's atmosphere 3.5 billions years ago and created stunning auroras, scientists said.
Scientists have long thought that Mars' small magnetic field left it vulnerable to the solar wind, a stream of charged particles emitted by the Sun that interacts with Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere, and forms the auroras on Earth.
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Bing Use Inches Up In February
Microsoft's Bing grabbed 11.5 percent of all search queries in the U.S. in February, slightly higher than its 11.3 percent share the prior month, according to the latest figures from ComScore.
Yahoo, which recently won regulatory approval over a search technology and advertising deal with Microsoft, captured 16.8 percent of all queries, a slight decline of 0.2 percent from January. But Google remains the search engine champ, winning 65.5 percent of all the searches run last month, up 0.1 percent from January.
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Smartphones Will Shake Up Paid Content Debate
From Reuters:
(Reuters) - Media companies longing to bring a paid-for culture to the Internet might just get what they want if they pay more attention to the smartphone revolution that is changing the way people access the Web.
Huge numbers now use mobile phones instead of desktop computers to get online -- a development that has spawned whole new business models in China, the world's biggest Internet market.
Paying to read content on the Web, an outlandish idea as recently as a year ago, is slowly but surely establishing itself as the next business model in the Western media mainstream, spearheaded by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp (NWSA.O).
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Professor Predicts Baseball Winners, Uses Baseball to Tout Power of Math

From Science Daily:
Science Daily (Mar. 10, 2010) — With pitchers and catchers having recently reported to spring training, once again Bruce Bukiet, an associate professor at NJIT, has applied mathematical analysis to compute the number of games that Major League Baseball teams should win in 2010. The Philadelphia Phillies, St. Louis Cardinals and Los Angeles Dodgers should all repeat as winners in their divisions, while the Atlanta Braves will take the wild card slot in the National League (NL), says Bukiet.
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Big Generation Gaps In Work Attitudes Revealed
From Live Science:
Experiences help to shape life, so it's reasonable to think someone who grew up when John F. Kennedy was shot might have a different worldview than a person who witnessed Enron collapse and has been "wired" since just a tot.
New survey research announced today suggests indeed that is the case: Large generational gaps exist, particularly when it comes to work attitudes. The findings reveal young people just entering the workforce, often called GenMe or Millennials, are more likely than their elders to value leisure time over work and to place a premium on rewards such as higher salaries and status.
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The iPad Changes Everything
examined and pondered by the rest of the computer industry.
From Forbes:
Will Apple’s tablet usher in a new era of computing, or simply dominate it?
Chipmaker Nvidia is helping invent a slew of cool technologies that hold the potential to change the way we work and play. The company, which makes processors that enhance images and boost the brawn of computers and phones, is pushing 3-D entertainment into homes and high-def video onto handsets. But the gadget Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang is most excited about? Touchscreen tablets such as Apple's forthcoming iPad.
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Half Million Seeds Now in "Doomsday" Vault
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From CBS News:
Secure Crop Seed Bank on Arctic Island Hits Record Inventory 2 Years after 1st Samples Arrived.
(AP) Two years after receiving Its first deposits, a "doomsday" seed vault on an Arctic island has amassed half a million seed samples, making it the world's most diverse repository of crop seeds, the vault's operators announced Thursday.
Cary Fowler - who heads the trust that oversees the seed collection, which is 620 miles from the North Pole, said the facility now houses at least one-third of the world's crop seeds.
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Safety Issues Loom As Humanoid Invasion Approaches
Pressure-sensing skins, smarter limbs and even bemused facial expressions. All these features will be needed to make future humanoid robots safe enough to hang out with humans in our homes, a symposium on humanoid robotics at the Institute of Engineering and Technology in London heard this week.
"We want robots to operate in our human world but they need to be safe," says Chris Melhuish of the Bristol Robotics Laboratory in the UK. "It's no good if they fall over on a 2-year-old or poke someone in the eye."
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DARPA Plans Lightning-Based GPS For Underground Warfighters
From Popular Science:
DARPA envisions a future in which U.S. Special Forces or spooks have to assault underground bases. And the Pentagon agency wants to give those warriors an underground navigation system that works on lightning bolts, The Register reports.
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'Minority Report' Digital Billboard 'Watches Consumers Shop'
From The Telegraph:
A “Minority Report” styled digital billboard that targets consumers using customised advertising based on their demographics is being developed by Japanese researchers.
Engineers have developed the billboard, similar to one used in the Tom Cruise blockbuster, that uses in built cameras to instantly identifies a shopper’s age and gender as they walk past.
The facial-recognition system, called the Next Generation Digital Signage Solution, then offers consumers a product it thinks is suited to their demographic.
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Formula Reveals 11am Is The Ideal Time For The Perfect Coffee Break
From The Daily Mail:
A team of university experts have come up with a formula that proves that Elevenses really is the best time for a coffee break.
But the research also shows that a tasty Americano is not the only requirement - lights, music, aroma and good company need to be added to the mix.
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Scientists To Review Climate Body
From The BBC:
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has asked the world's science academies to review work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Work will be co-ordinated by the Inter-Academy Council, which brings together bodies such as the UK's Royal Society.
The IPCC has been under pressure over errors in its last major assessment of climate science in 2007.
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Google Maps Rolls Out Trail And Street Directions For Cyclists
From The Christian Science Monitor:
A new layer on Google Maps will let cyclists access maps of 150 cities around the US. It's a bike geek's dream come true.
On Wednesday morning, Google added bike directions and trail information to Google Maps – a long-awaited functionality that product manager Shannon Guymon said would "encourage folks to hop on their bikes." By selecting the "Bicycling" layer on Google Maps, cyclists can now see the closest trails and bike lanes in area, or plan around particularly congested urban arteries and calf-busting hill climbs.
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Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Life Is Shorter For Men, But Sexually Active Life Expectancy Is Longer

From Science Daily:
Science Daily (Mar. 10, 2010) — At age 55, men can expect another 15 years of sexual activity, but women that age should expect less than 11 years, according to a study by University of Chicago researchers published early online March 10 by the British Medical Journal. Men in good or excellent health at 55 can add 5 to 7 years to that number. Equally healthy women gain slightly less, 3 to 6 years.
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Donating A Kidney Doesn't Shorten Donor's Life

From Live Science:
People who donate one of their kidneys are likely to live just as long as someone with two healthy kidneys, assuming they survive the initial somewhat riskier period.
A new study, which involved more than 80,000 live kidney donors in the United States and looked at survival rates over a 15-year period, is the first to use data from a national level, rather than from single-transplant centers with similar populations.
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Large Hadron Collider To Shut Down, Not Baguette This Time

World record collision energies aren’t enough - it needs more power!!
The Large Hardon Collider (LHC) is to shut down at the end of 2011, just in time to cause the (speculated) end of the world by 2012.
According to reports, the atom smashing machine needs to fix design and safety issues which is stopping it from reaching its potential. Apparently, world record collisions of 7 trillion electron volts isn’t enough - the LHC needs to be made safer before collisions at about twice that level can start.
The LHC is the world’s largest and highest-energy particle accelerator built by the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN), with the goal of colliding protons or lead ions at very high energy, recreating the conditions after the Big Bang.
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Music And lyrics: How The Brain Splits Songs
From The New Scientist:
Your favourite song comes on the radio. You hum the tune; the lyrics remind you of someone you know. Is your brain processing the words and music separately or as one? It's a hotly debated question that may finally have an answer.
People with aphasia, who can't speak, can still hum a tune, suggesting music and lyrics are processed separately. Yet brain scans show that music and language activate the same areas, which might mean the brain treats them as one signal.
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China's Moon Rocket May Take A Cue From The Saturn V
From Popular Science:
My rocket is almost as big as your rocket.
China's new moon rocket design is in the class of the old Saturn V that once launched U.S. Apollo astronauts to the moon. The China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology says that the proposed rocket would have a thrust of 3,000 metric tons, just shy of the 3,470 metric tons of thrust generated by the Saturn V's first stage, Aviation Week reports.
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Opposites Do Attract As 'Stressed Men Make Odd Sexual Decisions', Study Suggests
From The Telegraph:
Opposites really do attract in people, according to scientists who researched the psychology of sexual attraction.
Researchers in Germany discovered that stressed men made unconventional choices in sexual preferences.
Scientists at the University of Trier found that young men who were under pressure preferred erotic pictures of female nudes who were had the opposite facial expressions to themselves.
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Large Hadron Collider Will Finally Reach Full Power In 2013... Eight Years Behind Schedule
From The Daily Mail:
The Large Hadron Collider, which scientists hope will recreate the conditions just moments after the Big Bang, is to shut down for a whole year.
Scientists are set to run the particle-accelerating machine at half power for at least 18 months, sending seven trillion electron volts around the specially-built 17-mile tunnel.
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UK Skynet Military Satellite System Extended
From The BBC:
Skynet 5, the UK's single biggest space project, is to be extended.
The £3.6bn system, which provides secure satellite telecommunications to British armed forces, will be boosted by the addition of a fourth spacecraft.
The first three satellites were only launched in 2007-2008, but military planners envisage even more bandwidth will be needed in the future.
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Tailored Diet May Slow Down DNA Damage

(Source: stock.xchng)
From ABC News (Australia):
Mounting evidence on the effect of micronutrients on DNA damage calls for a re-evaluation of recommended dietary intake values, say researchers.
Professor Michael Fenech of CSIRO's Food and Nutritional Sciences Division in Adelaide lays out his argument in a paper accepted for publication in the journal American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
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