After Megaupload Bust, Putlocker and RapidShare Pick Up Slack -- Danger Room
The Feds shut down Megaupload two months ago, but browser-based filesharing hasn’t slowed down. It has just moved to other websites.
Before the takedown, Megaupload was the most popular web-based filesharing service — by far. In a recent study of 1,600 networks, Palo Alto Networks — a company that makes its living scanning corporate networks for unauthorized software — found that it accounted for about a quarter of all filesharing traffic on these networks. That was about 10 percent more than its nearest competitor.
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My Comment: When they first came out I found these file sharing services incredible useful in my business .... but with time (and technology advancements), I found their usefulness limited. There will be other file sharing services .... and technology advances that will make file sharing easy .... but the the golden age of file sharing services such as Megaupload .... those days are over.