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Saturday, April 24, 2010
Don’t Talk To Aliens, Warns Stephen Hawking
From Times Online:
THE aliens are out there and Earth had better watch out, at least according to Stephen Hawking. He has suggested that extraterrestrials are almost certain to exist — but that instead of seeking them out, humanity should be doing all it that can to avoid any contact.
The suggestions come in a new documentary series in which Hawking, one of the world’s leading scientists, will set out his latest thinking on some of the universe’s greatest mysteries.
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A Counter Argument That Our Obesity Epidemic Is Not A Threat To National Security
The obesity epidemic has nothing to do with national security.
"My name's Dewey Oxberger; my friends call me 'Ox'. You might've noticed I've got a slight weight problem," said John Candy to his fellow Army recruits in the 1981 film Stripes. "So I figured while I'm here, I'll lose a few pounds. I'm gonna walk out of here a lean, mean fightin' machine!"
In real life, the 6-foot-2, 300-pound Ox wouldn't have made it through the barracks door. The movie's release coincided with a new weight-control program in the U.S. military. Recruits were already screened for height and weight; now they'd be checked for body fat percentage, too. It's been 30 years since Stripes came out, and the rate of obesity among adults has doubled. A report out this week estimates that 27 percent of all Americans of recruitment age—that's 9 million young adults—are too fat to fight for their country. At a press conference Tuesday, Sen. Richard Lugar, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, and a group of retired generals and admirals warned that our poor diets and lack of exercise have now become a danger to homeland security.
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My Comment: I could not have said it any better.
Humans Cannot Multitask (Even Women)

rather than three or more. ALAMY
From The Independent:
Study finds the structure of the brain means we struggle to do more than two jobs at once.
The human mind may be inherently incapable of dealing with more than two tasks at a time according to a study showing that "multi-tasking" skills are limited by the physical division of the brain into two hemispheres.
Scientists have found that when people have to carry out two tasks simultaneously their brains divide each job up so that one is performed largely by the left side of the brain and the other is carried out mainly on the right.
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Energy Research Spending Seen As Chump Change

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and former Dupont CEO Chad Holliday say we spend too little on energy R&D and energy is a big problem.
But our country is neglecting a field central to our national prospect and security: energy. Although the information technology and pharmaceutical industries spend 5 to 15 percent of their revenue on research and development each year, U.S. companies' spending on energy R&D has averaged only about one-quarter of 1 percent of revenue over the past 15 years.
And despite talk about the need for "21st-century" energy sources, federal spending on clean energy research -- less than $3 billion -- is also relatively small. Compare that with roughly $30 billion that the U.S. government annually spends on health research and $80 billion on defense research and development.
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Volcanic Ash Cloud: Stunning Northern Lights Images Captured Over Iceland
From The Telegraph:
A series of spectacular images of the Northern Lights have been captured over the ash plume from the Iceland Volcano.
The incredible images show in amazing detail the sky lit up in amazing green colour above the Eyjafjallajökull volcano.
In the images, captured by New York-based photographer Lucas Jackson, red lava can also be seen spewing from the top of the active volcano.
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Facebook Wants To Control The Web, Like It Or Not
From InfoWorld:
Facebook wants to dictate how you log in and share content across the Web. Should you let them? Cringely says nyet.
Mark Zuckerberg may look and sound like the irritatingly self-satisfied rich kid you always hated in high school, but I’ll say this for him: He’s got cojones the size of tractor tires.
Facebook just made a play to take over the entire Web -- or at least, the parts that get the most traffic -- via its new "social graph,” officially unveiled at this week’s F8 confab.
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Friday, April 23, 2010
Experimental Explanation Of Supercooling: Why Water Does Not Freeze In The Clouds
From Science Daily:
ScienceDaily (Apr. 23, 2010) — Supercooling, a state where liquids do not solidify even below their normal freezing point, still puzzles scientists today. A good example of this phenomenon is found everyday in meteorology: clouds in high altitude are an accumulation of supercooled droplets of water below their freezing point.
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Flying Car Could Transform Warfare

The Defense Advanced Projects Agency (DARPA) has cleared the Transformer (TX) program for takeoff. If it flies, by 2015 U.S. soldiers will be able to ride into battle aboard a four-person flying car that can cruise in the air like an airplane, drive on the ground like an SUV, rove 250 miles on one tank of fuel and not require a runway to get airborne.
DARPA, the Department of Defense office that is tasked with exploring futuristic technologies that may have military applications, held an industry day workshop for companies earlier this year to solicit proposals for developing a prototype vehicle. Proposals are due May 27.
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Climate Scientist Sues Newspaper For 'Poisoning' Global Warming Debate
From The Guardian:
Climate modeller Andrew Weaver launches libel action in Canada for publishing 'grossly irresponsible falsehoods'.
One of the world's leading climate scientists has launched a libel lawsuit against a Canadian newspaper for publishing articles that he says "poison" the debate on global warming.
In a case with potentially huge consequences for online publishers, lawyers acting for Andrew Weaver, a climate modeller at the University of Victoria, Canada, have demanded the National Post removes the articles not only from its own websites, but also from the numerous blogs and sites where they were reposted.
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IPad’s Rivals Are On The March
From Times Online:
As Apple prepares to unleash the iPad in Britain, its rivals are preparing their fightback, rushing to create and release their own tablet computers, devices already dubbed the “iPad killers”.
Moreover, the attack on the iPad is coming on several fronts. The mobile phone maker Nokia is believed to be planning a similar machine designed mainly to read electronic books. Microsoft is flirting with the idea of creating a tablet. Even Google could enter the fray with a slate of its own.
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Obama’s NASA Blueprint Is Challenged In Congress

WASHINGTON — President Obama may have hoped that a speech a week ago at the Kennedy Space Center would sway skeptics to his proposed space policy, but a Congressional hearing on Thursday gave little signs that the lines of contention have shifted yet.
Opponents like Richard C. Shelby, the Republican senator from Alabama where NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center has been leading the design of the Ares I rocket that the Obama administration would like to cancel, continued to denounce Mr. Obama’s plans. Those plans call for ending NASA’s current Constellation program that was to send astronauts back to the moon and turning to private companies for transportation into orbit.
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Maxed Out: How Long Can You Go Without Sleep?
From New Scientist:
On 28 December 1963, Randy Gardner, a 17-year-old schoolboy in San Diego, California, got up at 6 am feeling wide awake and raring to go. He didn't go back to sleep again until the morning of 8 January 1964. That's 11 days without sleep.
Gardner's 264 hours remains the longest scientifically verified period without sleep, breaking the previous record of 260 hours. It was described in a 1965 paper by sleep researcher William Dement of the Stanford University School of Medicine in California, who stayed awake with Gardner for the final three days.
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SETI Releases Its Collected Data To The Public, Wants Open-Source Search For Whatever's Out There
From Popular Science:
Your chance to spot 50 years' worth of sneakily concealed aliens.
Over the past decade, those who wished to contribute to SETI's mission of locating life elsewhere in the universe could leave their computers on running a special screensaver and donate their unused computing power to the cause. Now, SETI director Jill Tarter is asking people around the globe to get more involved in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence by opening up SETI's servers to the public calling for a worldwide, open source contribution to the search.
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Mobile Phones, Cancer And Alzheimer's Disease: The Ultimate Study Is Launched

The world's biggest study into whether mobile phones cause cancer and other diseases has been launched by British scientists.
More than 250,000 people in five different countries will take part in the research which is expected to last more than 30 years and cost millions of pounds.
Experts hope the investigation will help settle once and for all the ongoing debate about the safety of mobile phones.
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In Deep Sea, Waves With a Familiar Curl
From The New York Times:
Scientists exploring the deep sea have discovered a distinctive kind of breaking wave. The finding reveals the presence of a subtle new force that can stir the dark seabed, and it helps to explain some of the nuances of planetary recycling and the provision of food to abyssal life.
The discovery also illustrates the radical nature of the insights that lay behind the start of the scientific revolution some four centuries ago.
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Wow! Celebrate Hubble’s 20th With Best Space Image Ever
From Wired Science:
We were already dreading the day Hubble dies, but this mind-blowing new image released to celebrate the space telescope’s 20th anniversary makes us wish for eternal life for the famous satellite even more.
This new gem rivals what may be Hubble’s most famous image, a shot of the Pillars of Creation taken in 1995. The shot above is of a star-forming region in the Carina Nebula. The enormous pillar of gas and dust is 3 light-years tall. The seam in the middle is the result of new stars forming and emitting powerful gas jets that are ripping the pillar apart.
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Dream A Little Dream Of Recall

From Science News:
Nap-time reveries may show that sleeping brain is making memories.
People who have nap-time dreams about a task that they’ve just practiced get a big memory boost on the task upon awakening, Harvard researchers report.
Those who dream about anything else have no such enhanced recall, the team reports in a paper published online April 22 in Current Biology. Neither do those who stay awake, even if they think about the task.
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Several Different Species Of Killer Whales Likely
From Science Daily:
ScienceDaily (Apr. 22, 2010) — In a report published April 22 in the journal Genome Research, scientists report finding strong genetic evidence supporting the theory there are several species of killer whales (Orcinus orca, also known as orcas) throughout the world's oceans.
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Toilet Paper Problem: Good Raw Material Being Wiped Out

A shortage of high-quality paper for recycling could mean scratchy toilet tissue. To keep consumers happy and avoid any chafed rear ends, companies are now on a quest to find new paper supplies, according to an article in the current issue of Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN).
The problem: Consumers once could fill up large bins with their recycled newspapers, magazines and print paper. But as electronic communication surges, these sources of recycled paper are becoming scarce.
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Epicenter Mind Our Tech Business Beyond the iPad: Massive MultiTouch Displays Have Big Social Potential
From Epicenter:
Apple appears to have been right in betting that people would embrace a big version of the iPod Touch; the increased sense of intimacy with no keyboard or mouse chaperons is palpable. But even larger touchscreens, like the one the Finnish company MultiTouch let us play around with last week, can track each fingertip of a large group of people — a key distinction that enables a more social set of behaviors, because multiple people can use them at the same time.
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Modified Viruses 'Can Destroy Cancer Cells'
From The Guardian:
Development could lead to treatments tailored to different diseases, say research groups.
Viruses can be modified to seek out and destroy cancer cells, scientists said today. Laboratory tests at Leeds University have shown how proteins can be added to a virus to enable it to recognise unique markers on the surface of tumours.
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Facebook Sets Up Google-War With Vast Expansion Through Open Graph

Facebook has announced plans to spread its influence more widely across the internet by weaving its service into all websites.
Mark Zuckerberg, chief executive of the social networking site which has 400 million regular users worldwide, has set his sights on beating Google.
Mr Zuckerberg described how users would be guided around the web by their connections and interests rather than a search engine.
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Accidents Don’t Slow Gulf Of Mexico Drilling
From New York Times:
As the Coast Guard was trying to assess the potential environmental effect of the oil rig explosion near Louisiana, industry officials said Thursday that they did not expect drilling in the Gulf of Mexico’s deep waters to be curtailed.
“It’s a tragedy, but at the end of the day we are not going to stop doing things that need to be done,” said Larry Goldstein, a director of the Energy Policy Research Foundation. Eleven workers remained missing Thursday, and several others were injured seriously.
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Bright Future Projected For Hand-Held Games
From New Scientist:
Zi Ye and Hammad Khalid of the Human Media Lab at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, have devised a way of using a shoulder-mounted projector system to display - and play - a game on a bendy A4-sized sliver of plastic. Sensors in the screen allow gameplay to be controlled by bending, shaking or tapping it.
A prototype of the system, called Cobra, was shown last week at the Computer-Human Interaction meeting in Atlanta, Georgia. It runs games on a computer housed in a shoulder pouch, while the pouch's straps hold a small projector that shines images onto the flexible screen, held by the gamer.
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Fix Farsightedness By Sleeping In Your Contacts
From Popular Science:
What if you could go to sleep with a vision problem and wake up with a crystal-clear view of the world? A Spanish optometrist not only says this is possible, but he actually wants you to sleep in your contacts. His patented contact lenses, designed to achieve the same effect of corneal reshaping surgery, can correct vision defects like myopia (nearsightedness) and stigmatism – and now hyperopia (farsightedness) – without taking sharp instruments or lasers to your eyes.
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Red Wine Bolsters Brain Against Strokes

From The Telegraph:
Red wine protects the brain from damage after a stroke, new research suggests.
Researchers discovered that a compound found in red grape skins and seeds lessens the effect of a blood clot on the brain and aids recovery.
It could be so effective that the substance, known as resveratrol, reduces the long-term brain damage by as much as 40 per cent.
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Millions Of Computers Shut Down As Faulty Anti-Virus Program Causes Havoc Around The Globe
From The Daily Mail:
Computers in companies, hospitals and schools around the world slowed down or froze after an antivirus program identified a normal Windows file as a threat.
While the problem has now been identified, IT technicians are today having to deal with extra workloads to ensure their systems are protected.
Antivirus vendor McAfee Inc confirmed that yesterday a software update had caused its antivirus program for corporate customers to target a harmless file, leading PCs to repeadedly reboot themselves.
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Thursday, April 22, 2010
Researchers Create 'Sound Bullets': Highly Focused Acoustic Pulses Could Be Used As Sonic Scalpels And More
From Science Daily:
ScienceDaily (Apr. 21, 2010) — Taking inspiration from a popular executive toy ("Newton's cradle"), researchers at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have built a device -- called a nonlinear acoustic lens -- that produces highly focused, high-amplitude acoustic signals dubbed "sound bullets."
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Eyjafjallajokull Volcano's Ash Cloud Explained
From Live Science:
The eruption of Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull volcano during April 2010 has been remarkable for the effects of its ash cloud. The ash cloud created phenomenal lightning displays, colored sunsets red across much of Europe, and forced flight cancellations for several days. Here's what's going on:
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CIA-Backed Group Investing In Lens Start-Up
From CNET:
LensVector, a Silicon Valley start-up working on new lens technology that rids mobile phones of moving parts, has secured new funding to tailor its products for a group with a particular interest in tiny cameras: the United States intelligence community.
Specifically, In-Q-Tel, the CIA-based organization that invests in technology companies, has funded the Mountain View, Calif.-based start-up, said LensVector Chief Executive Derek Proudian. In addition, LensVector also is being paid to develop specific products through the deal with IQT.
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Virtual Reality Makes Real-World Cash, Boosts Self-Esteem
From ABC News:
FarmVille, Wee World, Second Life Attract Millions of Users, But at What Cost to Society?
Last year, a man who goes by the moniker "Sal9000" married the love of his life in a ceremony that was streamed live online. The 27-year-old lives in Tokyo. His bride "Nene" lives inside a Nintendo DS handheld video game.
Sal9000 paid real money to marry a virtual woman, and he is not alone. Well, technically he's not.
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Diving Deep Into A Solar Prominence (SDO First Light)

From Discovery News:
Taken from a series of movies of bubbling plasma erupting to the solar surface, this is a close-up shot of what's called an expanding solar prominence, seen in extreme ultraviolet light. We are basically looking deep into the throat of the fine structure of an eruption on our nearest star.
The light we are seeing in this observation is generated by plasma heated to around 50,000 Kelvin (twice as hot as a bolt of lightning). A solar prominence is a looped structure of hot plasma, wrapped in magnetic fields from the sun's "surface" (or the photosphere), projecting high into the solar atmosphere (the sun's corona). But this is only one of the many eyes of SDO; it is already revolutionizing our understanding of the sun.
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Maxed Out: How Cold Can You Get And Live?
From New Scientist:
Humans hate being cold, and for good reason: our long-limbed bodies are exquisitely adapted to lose heat, not to retain it. This makes perfect sense in the intense heat of the African savannah, where humans evolved. Without our technological adaptations to cold - clothing, heating, shelter - that's where we'd all still be living, says Mike Tipton of the University of Portsmouth, UK, who studies human thermoregulation.
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Skywatchers Set For Meteor Show
From The BBC:
Stargazers are preparing for a sky show as the annual Lyrids meteor shower gets underway on Wednesday.
The shower is named after the constellation Lyra, from which the meteors appear to originate.
The meteor shower peaks early on Thursday 22 April (GMT), when 10-20 meteors per hour are expected to be visible under favourable conditions.
Scientists say the best time to observe the meteor shower is during the dark hours before dawn.
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U.S. Treasury Jumps On 3-D Bandwagon, Unveils Redesigned Benjamins
From Popular Science:
Fun 3-D holograms give Mr. Ben Franklin a facelift for the new decade.
A running battle between the U.S. Treasury and the counterfeiting efforts of drug lords and North Korea just got even more high-tech, with 3-D interactivity. Now everyone can check the authenticity of their Benjamins, courtesy of color-changing and moving images of bells and numbers.
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Magnesium Power: White-Hot Energy
New power sources could be made using magnesium.
STORING energy is one of the biggest obstacles to the widespread adoption of alternative sources of power. Batteries can be bulky and slow to charge. Hydrogen, which can be made electrolytically from water and used to power fuel cells, is difficult to handle. But there may be an alternative: magnesium. As school chemistry lessons show, metallic magnesium is highly reactive and stores a lot of energy. Even a small amount of magnesium ribbon burns in a flame with a satisfying white heat. Researchers are now devising ways to extract energy from magnesium in a more controlled fashion.
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We May All Be A Little Bit Neanderthal As Study Finds Species Interbred Twice With Humans

From The Daily Mail:
It won't come as a surprise to anyone wandering around Britain's city centres late on a Friday night. But scientists have discovered that most people have a little bit of Neanderthal man in them.
A major DNA study suggests that our ancestors interbred with the Neanderthals at least twice tens of thousands of years ago - and that their genes have been carried down the millennia ever since.
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Embracing Silence In A Noisy World -- A Book Review
What is silence? I am profoundly deaf in my left ear (I have a cochlear implant). The ear is useless for hearing, though it makes a pleasant decorative ornament and serves as a place to display earrings and anchor glasses; no sound can penetrate it. You would think that profound deafness is as silent as it gets. And yet it is not quiet in there. I hear deep space sounds, a hollow hum that washes in and fades away, changes in pitch and volume.
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Smell Your Way to a Longer Life? Odors That Represent Food or Indicate Danger Can Alter An Animal's Lifespan
From Science Daily:
ScienceDaily (Apr. 20, 2010) — What does the smell of a good meal mean to you? It may mean more than you think. Specific odors that represent food or indicate danger are capable of altering an animal's lifespan and physiological profile by activating a small number of highly specialized sensory neurons, researchers at the University of Michigan, University of Houston, and Baylor College of Medicine have shown in a study in the online, open-access journal PLoS Biology.
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Naps And Dreams Boost Learning, Study Finds

Scientists have long wondered why we sleep and why we dream. A new study provides evidence for some long-held notions that sleep and dreams boost learning and help us to make sense of the real world. Even naps can help, the researchers found.
Test subjects who dreamt about a challenging task performed it better than those who didn't have such dreams.
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Second, More Powerful Icelandic Volcano Likely To Explode Soon
From The Independent:
Despite grounding 100,000 flights across Europe, battering a beleaguered airline industry, stranding hundreds of thousands of travellers, disrupting schools and businesses, and giving homes under flight paths their first peace and quiet in decades, the current volcano eruption may be only a teaser of chaos to come.
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What Facebook's Latest Means For The Web
SAN FRANCISCO--It can't be explained as succinctly as "a widget platform" or "a universal log-in," but Facebook's panoply of announcements on Wednesday at the company's F8 developers conference reveal some of the social network's most audacious moves yet.
Facebook has now built deeper, stronger pipes that will pull in more information from partner sites and push more social-media capabilities out to them in turn--Open Graph, which integrates third-party data into Facebook in a far more complex way than its Facebook Connect predecessor; Social Plugins, which add a smattering of social features to those publishers; and the revamped Graph API, which overhauls Facebook's platform code to make it simpler and more flexible.
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The Air Force 'Baby Space Shuttle,' Secret And Reusable

From ABC News:
The Air Force’s “baby space shuttle” is ready for launch Thursday night from a launch pad at Cape Canaveral. The X-37B looks like a smaller version of the shuttle, and will be America’s second re-usable spacecraft, except it’ll be run by the military and be piloted by remote control. The 29 foot-long craft is designed to stay in orbit as long as 270 days (9 months) and it carries a secret payload of experiments.
"Secret" is the operative word. The Air Force isn’t saying how long it will be in orbit beyond saying that it won’t be a quick up-and-down test. It won’t describe what experiments will be aboard. They’re also touchy about media descriptions that it’s going to usher in the weaponization of space.
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Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer?
There are safety-warning labels on cigarettes and alcohol. Now some groups are advocating that similar cautions be printed on cell phones.
Recently, a bill in the Maine state senate proposed a label warning users, especially children and pregnant women, of the risks of brain cancer from electromagnetic radiation emanating from the device.
But the Maine legislature voted down the bill in March, stating that the scientific evidence does not indicate a public health risk.
Yet, the debate rages on. Can cell phones really cause cancer?
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Maxed out: How Long Could You Survive Without Food Or Drink?
From New Scientist:
How long can a human survive without food or water? In theory, when you finally run out of body fat, protein and carbohydrates, your body runs out of energy and stops functioning. Jeremy Powell-Tuck, a retired clinician who fed David Blaine after his starvation stunt in London in 2003, isn't so sure that this is the lethal point. "You're more likely to die before then," he says. Fat people would only be able to survive for longer if they had enough vital water-soluble B vitamins in their system to help metabolise fat stores. So it is possible that a person could die of starvation and still be fat.
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Nasa's Solar Dynamics Observatory Returns First Images
From The BBC:
Nasa's Solar Dynamics Observatory has provided an astonishing new vista on our turbulent star.
The first public release of images from the satellite record huge explosions and great looping prominences of gas.
The observatory's super-fine resolution is expected to help scientists get a better understanding of what drives solar activity.
Launched in February on an Atlas rocket from Cape Canaveral, SDO is expected to operate for at least five years.
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NASA's Earth Day Gift Runs On a 56,832-Core, 128-Screen Climate Research Supercomputer
From Popular Science:
Earth Week is upon us, and NASA has prepared a very special gift for the blue planet. Dwarfing the iPods that we customarily give each other to celebrate another year of existence, NASA put together NEX, a planetary data-crunching tool that uses a 56,832-core, 128-screen supercomputer to blend global satellite data and sophisticated modeling software with an online collaborative culture aimed at helping scientists work together toward better climate change research.
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'Brain Training' Games Do Not Improve Mental Skills, Study Says
From The Independent:
Brain training games do not work, according to a study into claims that it is possible to "exercise" the brain with computer tests.
A mass experiment involving nearly 11,500 members of the public failed to find any improvement in mental performance after people regularly used brain-training games on their computers for a period of six weeks.
Scientists said that the results contradicted some of the claims of the brain-training industry, which regularly promotes its computer games as a method of improving a person's mental skills through "exercising".
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Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Global Temperatures Push March 2010 To Hottest March On Record
From Science Daily:
ScienceDaily (Apr. 21, 2010) — The world's combined global land and ocean surface temperature made last month the warmest March on record, according to NOAA. Taken separately, average ocean temperatures were the warmest for any March and the global land surface was the fourth warmest for any March on record. Additionally, the planet has seen the fourth warmest January -- March period on record.
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Study: Bomb's Shock Waves May Electrify the Brain
From Live Science:
The blast waves from explosions could jolt the skull into generating electricity, potentially damaging the brain, scientists now suggest.
Although the burns and shrapnel wounds that explosions can inflict are their most obvious hazards, perhaps the greatest danger comes from a blast's shock wave. These rapidly generate ripples in a person's innards, potentially causing traumatic brain injuries with deleterious effects ranging from a simple concussion to long-term impaired mental function.
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Lousy DNA Reveals When People First Wore Clothes

ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexisco — For once lice are nice, at least for scientists investigating the origins of garments.
Using DNA to trace the evolutionary split between head and body lice, researchers conclude that body lice first came on the scene approximately 190,000 years ago. And that shift, the scientists propose, followed soon after people first began wearing clothing.
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Britain Heads Google’s European Censorship List
From Times Online:
The British Government made more requests for content to be removed from Google last year than any other country in Europe, according to figures released by the company today.
Between July and December last year, Google received 1,166 data requests from British government agencies, of which 59 were requests for content to be removed. Google complied with 76.3 per cent of the removal requests.
France made 846 data requests, but fewer than ten removal requests, of which 66.7 per cent were successful.
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School Lunch Helping Make Americans Too Fat To Enlist?
From Time Magazine:
More than a quarter of all Americans between the ages of 17 to 24 are too overweight to join the military, according to a new report highlighted by the Associated Press. That many Americans are too tubby to meet the basic entry requirements for military service isn't new—in 2008 roughly 12,000 would-be soldiers failed the initial military physical because they were overweight, and last year the Pentagon lamented the fact that, between obesity, medical and physical problems, illegal drug use and other issues, 75% of military-age Americans were ineligible for service.
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