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Saturday, February 25, 2012
Pick The Stradivarius Violin
Double-Blind Violin Test: Can You Pick The Strad? -- NPR
In the world of violins, the names Stradivari and Guarneri are sacred. For three centuries, violin-makers and scientists have studied the instruments made by these Italian craftsmen. So far no one has figured out what makes their sound different. But a new study now suggests maybe they aren't so different after all.
OK, here's a test. Clip one is a musical phrase from Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto in D Major. Clip two is the same phrase. The same musician plays both. But one is on a Stradivarius violin, the other on a violin made in 1980. See if you can tell the difference.
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My Comment: I choose the wrong one .... hmmmm .... and I use to be a professional musician.
100,000 Times More ‘Nomad Planets’ Than Stars?

Galaxy May Swarm With 100,000 Times More ‘Nomad Planets’ Than Stars -- Kurzweil
There may be 100,000 times more wandering “nomad planets” in the Milky Way than stars, and some may carry bacterial life, according to a new study by researchers at the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (KIPAC).
If any of these nomad planets are big enough to have a thick atmosphere, they could have trapped enough heat for bacterial life to exist,” said Louis Strigari, leader of the team that reported the result in a paper submitted to the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
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100 Billion Stars In The Milky Way
An Otherworldly Discovery: Billions of Other Planets -- Wall Street Journal
Astronomers said Wednesday that each of the 100 billion stars in the Milky Way probably has at least one companion planet, on average, adding credence to the notion that planets are as common in the cosmos as grains of sand on the beach.
The finding underscores a fundamental shift in scientific understanding of planetary systems in the cosmos. Our own solar system, considered unique not so long ago, turns out to be just one among billions.
Until April 1994, there was no other known solar system, but the discoveries have slowly mounted since then: The Kepler space telescope, designed for planet-hunting, now finds them routinely.
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My Comment: And how many planets?
Is Google 'Dumping' Search
There has been a huge maelstrom about Google integrating Google+ into its search links. And it all misses the point.
Twitter and others are complaining that Google is throwing its massive 65 percent plus market share weight around and quashing smaller competitors. The reason Twitter and others are so threatened is that the pattern of shared links within Google+ provides a decent enough indicator as to what links are interesting. What's important is what's trending, and algorithms can get a sense of that with just a subset of everything that's getting shared on the Web.
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My Comment: That's what I like about Google .... always trying to stay one step ahead.
The Rise And Fall Of Personal Computing
The Rise And Fall Of Personal Computing -- Asymco
Thanks to Jeremy Reimer I was able to create the following view into the history of computer platforms.
I added data from the smartphone industry, Apple and updated the PC industry figures with those from Gartner. Note the log scale.
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My Comment: I love the graphs that he posted.
Friday, February 24, 2012
The World Belongs To Apps
Steve Jobs initially resisted apps, fearing sabotage. But when the late Apple chief relented in 2007, the floodgates opened
A ticker on the front of Apple's website rolls over relentlessly, increasing by about 500 a second as it moves relentlessly towards 25bn.
It is counting the number of units of application software downloaded from the company's App Store – and the rise of a business that barely existed five years ago, but which now dominates daily conversation so much that the phrase, "There's an app for that", has become both an offer of help and a joke.
The counter is expected to hit the target by early March. By then, users will have spent about £3.6bn buying apps through the store, of which Apple will have passed on £2.5bn and retained £1.1bn.
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My Comment: And this is all just starting.
Apple Buys Chomp
Apple Inc. (AAPL), the world’s most valuable company, acquired San Francisco-based Chomp Inc., which helps users sort through the widening array of software applications for mobile devices.
The Cupertino, California-based company paid about $50 million for Chomp, according to a person familiar with the matter, who asked not to be named because the specifics are private. Apple confirmed the deal yesterday, without disclosing the purchase price.
“We buy smaller technology companies from time to time and generally don’t comment on our purposes or plans,” said Amy Bessette, a spokeswoman for Apple.
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My Comment: It's about time.
Is This The Future of Touchscreen Tech?
Is This The Future of Touchscreen Tech? New Video Will Blow Your Mind -- Mashable Tech
Gorilla Glass manufacturer Corning has unveiled a follow-up YouTube video to its wildly successful “A Day Made of Glass,” providing another look into what the future could be like with the growth of glass touchscreen interfaces, from innovative chalkboards and activity tables in classrooms to uses for it in hospitals.
Corning released two versions of “A Day Made of Glass 2″ — one with a narrator and another, abbreviated version without commentary — the video follows the life of young Amy and her family as they go through their day using various products made of glass. Amy does classwork on a glass tablet, controls the temperature of the car from the backseat and even attends a field trip at the Redwood Forrest with an interactive signage that brings learning to life. Her teacher also works with students on interactive touchscreen activity tables. Corning expects these activity tables to be rolled out in the near future.
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My Comment: Impressive.
Were Neutrinos Faster-Than-Light .... Or Not?
'Faster-Than-Light' Particles May Have Been Even Speedier -- CBC
Subatomic particles clocked at speeds exceeding the speed of light may have been going even faster than they appeared, physicists say.
A problem with some of the equipment used in the original experiment may have led to an overestimate of the time it took the particles, known as neutrinos, to make their 730-kilometre journey, reported CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research in a statement Thursday.
As a result, their speed may have been underestimated.
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Update: Two Technical Problems Leave Neutrinos’ Speed in Question -- New York Times
CSN Editor: We will know the real answer in the next few months when more tests are done.
De-Classified UK Submarine Data Will Be Used To Assist Climate Science
UK Submarine Data De-Classified To Aid Climate Science -- BBC
The UK Ministry of Defence is to de-classify submarine data to help shed light on climate change in the Arctic.
Environmental data are routinely monitored by Navy vessels, but the measurements are highly sensitive because they could give away positions.
A dataset from one submarine mission will be released to give a snapshot of conditions under the ice.
It is hoped that further data could be released in future, yielding clues to how the Arctic is changing.
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Closer To A Heroin Vaccine

Mexican Researchers Patent Heroin Vaccine -- Yahoo News/Reuters
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - While Mexico grapples with relentless drug-related violence, a group of Mexican scientists is working on a vaccine that could reduce addiction to one of the world's most notorious narcotics: heroin.
Researchers at the country's National Institute of Psychiatry say they have successfully tested the vaccine on mice and are preparing to test it on humans.
The vaccine, which has been patented in the United States, works by making the body resistant to the effects of heroin, so users would no longer get a rush of pleasure when they smoke or inject it.
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My Comment: Faster please people are dying from the addiction properties of drugs every minute.
Tabasco Sauce Is In Demand On Board The International Space Station

Why Astronauts Crave Tabasco Sauce -- NPR
If you think astronauts just want dehydrated dinners and freeze-dried ice cream, think again. After a few days in space, they start reaching for the hot sauce.
In fact, they may start craving foods they didn't necessarily like on Earth.
"They crave [spicy] peppers, they crave sour and sweet things," says Jean Hunter, a food engineer at Cornell University. That means Tabasco sauce was definitely on the menu for space shuttle astronauts.
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Google Ocean
Google Street View Goes Undersea -- MSNBC
Less than a month after Google Ocean drowned our dreams of Atlantis by updating a image that previously showed mysterious grid patterns on the sea floor, the search giant is back with an underwater Street View.
Catlin Seaview Survey, the project's official name, launched Thursday with what New Scientist describes as "an unprecedented photographic tour of Australia's Great Barrier Reef." It is even more ambitious than Google's land version, which provides an eye level view of neighborhoods, parks and other public areas all over the world. This submerged 360 degree photo survey's "aim is to learn as much as possible about the reef's state of health from a panoramic underwater photographic and video survey – and let the rest of us enjoy the reef's untrammelled beauty online."
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Thursday, February 23, 2012
The 'Wow!' Signal
The 'Wow!' Signal: One Man's Search for SETI's Most Tantalizing Trace of Alien Life -- The Atlantic
For decades, Robert Gray has been trying to duplicate the most surprising and still-unexplained observation in the history of the search for extraterrestrial life.
Late one night in the summer of 1977, a large radio telescope outside Delaware, Ohio intercepted a radio signal that seemed for a brief time like it might change the course of human history. The telescope was searching the sky on behalf of SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, and the signal, though it lasted only seventy-two seconds, fit the profile of a message beamed from another world. Despite its potential import, several days went by before Jerry Ehman, a project scientist for SETI, noticed the data. He was flipping through the computer printouts generated by the telescope when he noticed a string of letters within a long sequence of low numbers---ones, twos, threes and fours. The low numbers represent background noise, the low hum of an ordinary signal. As the telescope swept across the sky, it momentarily landed on something quite extraordinary, causing the signal to surge and the computer to shift from numbers to letters and then keep climbing all the way up to "U," which represented a signal thirty times higher than the background noise level. Seeing the consecutive letters, the mark of something strange or even alien, Ehman circled them in red ink and wrote "Wow!" thus christening the most famous and tantalizing signal of SETI's short history: The "Wow!" signal.
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Robot Fish
Real Fish Welcome Robotic Overlord Into Their School -- Wired Science
A robotic fish has sailed across an aquatic uncanny valley by tricking real fish into following it upstream.
The feat could lead to better understanding of fish behavior and perhaps some means to divert them from environmental disaster scenes.
“Although some previous works have successfully investigated the interactions between live animals and robots or animal-like replicas, none of these studies have considered robots that are designed to simulate animal locomotion,” wrote the authors of a new study about the robot.
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Man's First Homes And Settlements

Shelters Date To Stone Age -- Science News
Hunter-gatherers hung out in huts long before farmers built villages.
The remains of a couple of nearly 20,000-year-old huts, excavated in a Jordanian desert basin, add to evidence that hunter-gatherers built long-term dwellings 10,000 years before farming villages debuted in the Middle East.
These new discoveries come from a time of social transition, when mobile hunter-gatherers hunkered down for months at a time in spots that featured rivers, lakes and plentiful game, say archaeologist Lisa Maher of the University of California, Berkeley and her colleagues. Discoveries in and around hut remnants at a Stone Age site called Kharaneh IV include hearths, animal bones and caches of pierced seashells and other apparently ritual items, Maher’s team reports in a paper published online February 15 in PLoS ONE.
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My Comment: It looks like "early man" was far more sophisticated than what we give him credit for.
Astronomers Discover A Water World
Astronomers Discover New Type Of Planet – The Water World -- The Telegraph
A watery planet with a thick, steamy atmosphere has left astronomers fumbling for their classification books.
The water world, which has been named GJ1214b, is 2.7 times bigger than earth but weighs almost seven times as much.
GJ1214b orbits a red-dwarf star at a distance of two million kilometres, suggesting temperatures may reach up to 200C.
Astronomers believe the planet is an entirely new classification of celestial body, with the mixture of water and high temperatures meaning there is a chance new alien materials could have been produced.
Previous types of planetary body known to exist include a rocky surface similar to earth, gas giants like Jupiter, and ice giants like Uranus.
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My Comment: That must be quite a site to see.
How Not To Fly
Birdman Releases Footage Of His 120mph Crash Into South Africa's Table Mountain -- The Telegraph
Jeb Corliss, a daredevil who nearly died after crashing into Table Mountain in South Africa, has posted footage only of the accident.
Corliss broke both his legs when he hit a outcrop of rocks while hurtling down the mountain in Cape Town at a speed of 120mph.
Corliss, 35, was being filmed by US network HBO and was performing his second jump from the Cape Town landmark when the accident happened at 10am on Jan 16.
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My Comment: Awesome video .... but ouch ....
Is The Earth Cooling Itself?
Is The Earth Cooling Itself? Cloud Level Has Fallen By 1% A Year Over Last Decade 'In Response To Global Warming' -- Daily News
Ever feel the sky is closing in on you - well, you're right, it is.
Earth's clouds got a little lower by around one per cent a year on average during the first decade of this century.
That's the finding by a new NASA-funded university study based on satellite data. The results have potential implications for future global climate.
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Neutrinos Are Not Moving Faster Than Light
Bummer: Faster-Than-Light Neutrinos Weren't, and It Was the Cable Guy's Fault -- Popular Science
Apparently neutrinos are not moving faster than light after all — some of the brightest minds in modern physics were bamboozled by a loose wire.
If you care about physics, Einstein or controversies, you’ll recall the excitement last fall about neutrinos that were supposedly moving faster than light. The ghostly particles, which can move through the Earth and through you without slowing down, were leaving a particle beam in Geneva and traveling under the Alps to Gran Sasso, Italy, in less time than it would take light to travel the same distance. The neutrinos were only 60 nanoseconds early, but still — the result, which the experimenters could not explain, suggested they were moving faster than light.
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My Comment: I agree .... what a bummer.
Bringing Solar Power To The Sahara Desert
Plugging The World Into Desert Sun -- Sydney Morning Herald
German firms hope projects in North Africa are just the start of a solar power network that will help wean Europe off fossil fuels. Leo Hickman reports.
During the summer of 1913, in a field just south of Cairo, an American engineer, Frank Shuman, stood before a group of Egypt's colonial elite, including the British consul-general, Lord Kitchener, and switched on his new invention.
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Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Here Comes The Google Digital Glasses
Google Digital Glasses 'Coming Soon' -- The Telegraph
Google is working on digital glasses using augmented reality and its Android technology, reports suggest.
The glasses reportedly integrate augmented reality technology into a new Robocop-style vision of the future, overlaying the screen of the glasses with additional contextual information.
Augmented reality traditionally uses increasingly commonplace technologies to add information to images on the screens of mobile phones and tablets. A digital camera and internet connectivity is combined with location data – so if you point your phone at Big Ben, because the device knows where you are it’s comparatively simple to add information to the image on screen. And while the obvious uses are for, say, historical information, there’s space for advertisers and social services to tell you where to, say, meet up with friends for a drink.
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My Comment: The glasses look very cool.
Britain Warned About Space Attacks (And Solar Storms)
Britain At Risk From 'GoldenEye' Electromagnetic Pulse Attack From Space, MPs Warn -- The Telegraph
Britain's critical national infrastructure could be crippled in a high-altitude space attack by a rogue state or terrorists, MPs have warned.
A nuclear device detonated up to 500 miles above the earth's surface could generate an electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) with a "devastating" effect on power supplies, telecommunications and other vital systems, the Commons Defence Committee said.
It warned that countries such as Iran - which is resisting international pressure to end its nuclear programme - and even eventually some "non-state actors" could acquire the technology to mount such an attack, in a scenario akin to the plot of the 1995 James Bond film 'GoldenEye'.
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More News On British Concerns Of Space Weapons And Solar Storms
Terror bomb detonated in space 'could cripple Britain's electronic networks and jeopardise national security' -- Daily Mail
MPs warn over nuclear space bombs and solar flares -- BBC
UK vulnerable to 'space weather events' and space-fired weapons, say MPs -- The Guardian
'Complacent' MoD Warned Of Space Risk -- SKY News
MPs: MoD must take threat of nuclear attack from space seriously -- The Sun
MPs ask for defence against space attacks on UK -- The Inquirer
Britain at risk from electromagnetic pulse weapons warn MPs -- TNT
Electromagnetic pulses in history -- The Telegraph
Electromagnetic pulses explained -- The Telegraph
Australia's Largest Rough Pink Diamond Unearthed
Australia's Largest Rough Pink Diamond Unearthed -- BBC
An Australian mining company says it has found a 12.76-carat pink diamond, the largest rough pink diamond found in the country.
The rare diamond was found at Rio Tinto's Argyle diamond mine in Western Australia's East Kimberly region.
Estimated to be worth millions, it has been named the Argyle Pink Jubilee, and is being cut and polished in Perth.
It will be sold later this year after being shown around the world, including in New York and Hong Kong.
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Update: 'Unprecedented' 12.76 carat pink diamond worth £7 million mined -- The Telegraph
Twitter Hits 500 Million Registered Users
Twitter is set to hit 500 million registered users later today, according to a report.
The popular microblogging company, which processes more than a billion tweets a week, is set to hit the milestone figure later today, claims Twopcharts, a third party Twitter analysis company.
However, the 500 million relates to the total number of registered accounts, and fails to reveal how many are active.
A Twitter spokesman declined to comment on third party figures and said that the company only tracks how many active users there are using the site. There are no plans from the company to announce a registered user figure milestone.
Presently there are 100 million active Twitter accounts; a figure which was announced by the company’s executives last September.
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My Comment: And a number that is still climbing .... all be it slowly.
Hepatitis C Is A Bigger Killer Than HIV
Hepatitis C-Related Deaths Outpace HIV Deaths, Study Says -- L.A. Times
Hepatitis C mortality rates surpassed HIV mortality rates in the United States in 2007, researchers said Monday.
In a study in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine (abstract here), U.S. Centers for Disease Control researchers analyzed causes of death on more than 21.8 million U.S. death certificates filed between 1999 and 2007. Rates of death related to hepatitis C, a viral infection that causes chronic liver disease, rose at an average rate of .18 deaths per 100,000 persons per year. More than 15,000 people died from hepatitis C in 2007. HIV-related death rates declined .21 deaths per 100,000 people per year — 12,734 people died from HIV in 2007. Rates of death related to a third infection, hepatitis B, remained more or less constant over the study period, falling .02 deaths per 100,000 people per year to just more than 1,800 deaths in 2007.
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Every 2-Year-Old Should Know At Least These 25 Words

Every 2-Year-Old Should Know At Least These 25 Words: Researchers -- New York Daily News
A checklist for toddler language development
Turns out chatty toddlers who say “all gone” and “bye-bye” aren’t just cute — they’re showing off their essential language skills.
Researchers have identified 25 “must have” words that every child should be saying when they turn 2.
Kids who haven’t mastered them might not just be late talkers — they could be showing signs of autism, developmental delays or hearing problems .
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My Comment: Only 25?
A New Source Of Energy From Superbugs?
Stratospheric Superbugs Offer New Source of Power -- Science Daily
ScienceDaily (Feb. 21, 2012) — Bacteria normally found 30 kilometres above Earth have been identified as highly efficient generators of electricity.
Bacillus stratosphericus -- a microbe commonly found in high concentrations in the stratosphere -- is a key component of a new 'super' biofilm that has been engineered by a team of scientists from Newcastle University.
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My Comment: It's not going to happen .... 30k is too far away.
Intetnet Service Providers Warned By The FBI To Get Rid Of A Notorious Trojan Virus

FBI Plans To Shut Down Internet Servers Infected With Notorious Trojan -- New America
Computers experts around the world are warning that, in an attempt to stop the damage inflicted by a Trojan virus that has infected millions of computers worldwide, the FBI plans to shut down Internet Service Providers (ISPs) whose administrators have not yet cleared their systems of the malware.
As reported by PCWorld.com, in November 2011 the FBI shut down a network that a gang of criminal hackers in Estonia had launched to infect servers with the notorious DNSChanger Trojan — a virus that redirects computers from legitimate online destinations to phony websites that launch online ads that generated revenue for the hackers. The Trojan is sophisticated enough to prevent computers infected with the virus from visiting websites with the tools available to remove the problem.
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My Comment: The FBI getting involved? Isn't this a bit of an overkill?
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
DARPA's Plan To Revolutionize Auto Manufacturing
Adaptive Vehicle Make: DARPA's Plan To Revolutionize Auto Manufacturing -- Popular Mechanics
The Pentagon's mad scientists aim to throw out the way vehicles are currently built and replace it with a model in which parts could be 3D-printed, designs will be entirely digital, and the wisdom of the crowd will design the military's next vehicle.
The defense research group DARPA wants better vehicles, and it wants them faster and cheaper. To make it happen, the Pentagon's mad scientists are taking a cue from computer-circuit builders.
During the 1980s, the integrated-circuit-manufacturing industry began a sea change away from the traditional manufacturing model: Design was separated from manufacturing as a stand-alone function, with designers outsourcing manufacturing to dedicated fabrication plants, or fabs. The result has been an industry more responsive to the rapid pace of innovation that we all know and love today.
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My Comment: So much for making the simple jeep.
Is Quantum Computing Possible?
MIT Scientist Offers $100,000 to Anyone Who Can Prove Quantum Computing Is Impossible -- Popular Science
Scott Aaronson, a scientist at MIT who works mostly with theoretical quantum computers, issued a challenge to all of those deniers out there: prove that "scalable quantum computing is impossible in the physical world," and Aaronson will personally pony up $100,000 to the winner.
Aaronson works with quantum computing theory all day; sounds like he's sick of the constant chatter that quantum computing is not scalable, that the theory is purely theoretical. (Check out our interview with Seth Lloyd for a great beginner's guide to quantum computing.) There are as many skeptics as believers out there, so Aaronson is asking them to step up and prove that quantum computers will never be able to do useful work.
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A Blood Test For Depressions
Study Of The Day: Blood Tests Can Accurately Diagnose Depression -- The Atlantic
PROBLEM: Depression has traditionally been diagnosed with a questionnaire that assesses patients' reported symptoms. This process varies greatly, however, since it relies heavily on the clinician's experience and resources.
METHODOLOGY: To test if an objective biological test could improve diagnosis accuracy, scientists recruited 36 adults with major depression and 43 healthy participants for a blood screening. They measured the levels of nine biomarkers associated with depressive symptoms, such as inflammation, the development and maintenance of neurons, and the interaction between brain structures involved with stress response and other key functions.
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Update: Depression Can Be Diagnosed With a Blood Test -- Popular Science
My Comment: The value of such a test in diagnosing our vets who suffer from depression are obvious.
Nanodust Explosives?
Dust Causes Explosions, And Apparently Nanodust Causes Mega-Explosions -- Popular Science
Along with annoyingly adhering to your TV screen and tabletops, dust can be a deadly material, exploding with enormously destructive force in places like coal mines, sugar refineries and grain silos. The explosive properties of normal dust are pretty well known, but what about non-traditional dust? Not all dusts are created equal — and dust derived from the materials of the future could present a very different type of danger.
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My Comment: One more worry to worry about.
What Eases Pain Of Financial Loss
LONDON (Reuters) - Financial market traders and keen gamblers take note. Scientists have found that a chemical in the region of the brain involved in sensory and reward systems is crucial to whether people simply brush off the pain of financial losses.
Scientists say the study points the way to the possible development of drugs to treat problem gamblers and sheds light on what may have been going on in the brains of Wall Street and City of London traders as the 2008 financial crisis took hold.
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A Bill Of Rights For Dolphins?

A Bill Of Rights For Dolphins: They're So Smart We Must Treat Them As 'Non Human Persons' Say Scientists -- Daily Mail
Dolphins are so intelligent that they should be thought of as ‘non-human persons’ and given their own bill of rights, it is claimed.
A coalition of scientists, philosophers and animal welfare groups have come up with a declaration of dolphin rights which they hope will one day be enshrined in law.
This would stop them being kept in zoos and waterparks, and being attacked by fishermen.
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My Comment: One can also make the case for whales.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Breakthrough In The Development Of A Single-Atom Transistor
Physicists Foretell Quantum Computer With Single-Atom Transistor -- Wired Enterprise
Physicists at Purdue University and the University of New South Wales have built a transistor from a single atom of phosphorous precisely placed on a bed of silicon, taking another step towards the holy grail of tech research: the quantum computer.
Revealed on Sunday in the academic journal Nature Nanotechnology, the research is part of a decade-long effort at the University of New South Wales to deliver a quantum computer — a machine that would use the seemingly magical properties of very small particles to instantly perform calculations beyond the scope of today’s classical computers.
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More News On The Development Of A Single-Atom Transistor
Less is more: Scientists create the 'perfect' single-atom transistor in dream computing breakthrough -- Daily Mail
Transistor Made Using a Single Atom May Help Beat Moore's Law -- SFGate/Bloomberg
Transistor made from single atom -- CBC News
Eureka! A single-atom transistor -- Asia One
Single-atom transistor may help beat Moore's Law -- Economic Times
Scientists Shrink Transistor To Size Of Atom -- SKY News
Quantum computing a step closer -- Boston Globe/New York Times
Scientists make 'perfect' single-atom transistor -- News.com.au
Researchers from Purdue and UNSW take a step towards quantum computing -- The Tech Herald
Transistor Made of Single Atom -- Technorati
iPad3 Photos And Info Being Leaked

Latest iPad 3 Leaked Photos Suggest High-Res Display, Camera -- Digital Trends/Yahoo
In three separate incidences over the weekend, insiders have leaked iPad 3 photos alluding to the design and purported parts for the soon-to-be-released tablet. Here’s a look at the shots, where they came from, and what they tell us.
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My Comment: It looks very good.
Its Been 50 Years Since John Glenn Circled The Earth
50 Years Later, Celebrating John Glenn’s Feat -- New York Times
In the winter of 1962, the nation needed a hero.
Americans had yet to recover from the Soviet Union’s launching of the first spacecraft, Sputnik, in October 1957 — a rude jolt to our confidence as world leaders in all things technological. The space race was on.
Soon after he took office in 1961, President John F. Kennedy had thrown down the challenge to send men to the Moon by the end of the decade. But the Russians still set the pace, boastfully. They launched a dog into orbit, then the first man, Yuri A. Gagarin, and another, Gherman S. Titov.
The United States lagged, managing only two 15-minute suborbital astronaut flights — only five minutes of weightlessness each time.
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More News On John Glenn's Space Accomplishment 50 Years Ago
John Glenn reunites with 50-year-old Mercury team -- AP
John Glenn to mark 50 years since historic first orbit of Earth -- FOX News/AP
Fifty years on, Glenn's flight remains a giant leap -- CNET
John Glenn’s flight, 50 years ago, made history -- Washington Post
Glenn chats with space station to mark anniversary -- Miami Herald/McClatchyNnews
Feb. 20, 1962: Yank in Orbit -- This Day In Tech
John Glenn, 50 years later, and in poetry -- New York Daily News
John Glenn on anniversary of historic flight -- CBS News
John Glenn Frustrated on 50th Anniversary of Friendship 7 -- ABC News
Video: Mercury astronaut John Glenn recalls first orbit flight, 50 years ago -- Globe and Mail
A conversation with John Glenn -- CNET
Another John Glenn needed for U.S. space program -- Fred Grimm, Kansas City/The Miami Herald
Fifty years after Glenn flight, U.S. buying rides to space -- Reuters
John Glenn's fury over death of Nasa space programme -- The Telegraph
New Formula One Cars
Formula One Gets Ugly -- Sydney Morning Herald
In 1954 Ferrari produced the 553 Squalo, an aggressive, thrusting Formula one car named in Italian for the shark it resembled. In 1962, it released a road car called 250 GT Lusso, or Italian for "beautiful".
For 2012, Ferrari has given us the less evocatively named Platypus. Or rather, almost the entire F1 field has earned the sobriquet thanks to their misshapen, stepped nose sections that promise some of the ugliest-looking Formula one cars in years. F1ugly, in fact.
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My Comment: Arghhhh ....
The Search For Dark Energy

The Dark Side Of The Universe -- The Economist
Scientists are trying to understand why the universe is running away from them.
AT FIVE tonnes and 520 megapixels, it is the biggest digital camera ever built—which is fitting, because it is designed to tackle the biggest problem in the universe. On February 20th researchers at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (pictured), which sits 2,200 metres (7,200 feet) above sea level in the Atacama desert of northern Chile, will begin installing this behemoth on a telescope called Blanco. It is the centrepiece of the Dark Energy Survey (DES), the most ambitious attempt yet to understand a mystery as perplexing as any that faces physics: what is driving the universe to expand at an ever greater rate.
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Will Diseases Soon Become 'Impossible To Treat'?
Alarming rise in bacteria resistant to antibiotics, Government report finds.
Britain is facing a "massive" rise in antibiotic-resistant blood poisoning caused by the bacterium E.coli – bringing closer the spectre of diseases that are impossible to treat.
Experts say the growth of antibiotic resistance now poses as great a threat to global health as the emergence of new diseases such as Aids and pandemic flu.
Professor Peter Hawkey, a clinical microbiologist and chair of the Government's antibiotic-resistance working group, said that antibiotic resistance had become medicine's equivalent of climate change.
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