Monday, October 5, 2009

Making Tsunamis

The terrible Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004 was just the latest and greatest mega-wave to wash over the planet. It taught us a lot, however, though we have lots more to learn. Photo credit: NASA

From Discovery:

There are several ways to make the Earth's most deadly waves. We count the ways, explore the history and the science of tsunami making.
  • Timeline: History's Worst Tsunamis
    The Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004 was one of the worst in history, but not the first time monster waves attacked. Humanity has a long and sad history of losing to tsunamis.
  • Video: Evidence Links Asteroid to New York Tsunami
    Did an asteroid once roar through what's today one of the most densely populated place in the United States? Discovery's Jorge Ribas reports on the latest evidence and modeling.
  • Slide Show: Top Six Ways to Make a Tsunami
    Larry O'Hanlon counts them off. Be happy if you are only exposed to one or two of these tsunami makers. Keep in mind: Almost no one is entirely free of the tsunami threat.
Read more ....

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