Monday, May 28, 2012

Facebook Co-Founder Talks About Zuckerberg

Facebook's Saverin: 'No Hard Feelings' Toward Mark Zuckerberg -- L.A. Times

Facebook's foreign co-founder, Eduardo Saverin, finally addressed publicly the rift between himself and Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg, saying there were "no hard feelings" between the two.

Saverin, 30, one of the social network giant's original four founders, spoke of his relationship with Zuckerberg, how it was portrayed by Hollywood, his recent decision to give up his U.S. citizenship and his current work in Singapore in a cover story for the Brazilian magazine Veja (link in Portuguese).

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Facebook Co-Founder Eduardo Saverin Speaks With Brazilian Newsmagazine ‘Veja’ -- AllFacebook

My Comment: Why should he have any 'hard feelings' .... he is a billionaire now .... and it is all due to Facebook and Zuckerburg's efforts.

Facebook Tries Again To Build A Smartphone

Facebook Tries, Tries Again On A Smartphone -- New York Times

Can a software company build its own smartphone? We may find out soon.

This past week, Google completed its acquisition of the hardware maker Motorola Mobility for $12.5 billion, which could lead to the search giant’s making its own smartphone. But another software titan might be getting into the hardware game as well: Facebook.

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My Comment: This is going to be an uphill battle for Facebook.

It Took Ten Million Years To Recover From Earth's Greatest Mass Extinction

New research reveals that it took some 10 million years for Earth to recover from the greatest mass extinction of all time, some 250 million years ago. (Credit: © byheaven / Fotolia)

It Took Earth Ten Million Years to Recover from Greatest Mass Extinction -- Science Daily

ScienceDaily (May 27, 2012) — It took some 10 million years for Earth to recover from the greatest mass extinction of all time, latest research has revealed.

Life was nearly wiped out 250 million years ago, with only 10 per cent of plants and animals surviving. It is currently much debated how life recovered from this cataclysm, whether quickly or slowly.

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My Comment: Only 10 million years?

Vietnam War In 3-D

Vietnam in 3-D: The Soldier Who Was The Only One To Capture The Historic War With Revolutionary Camera -- Daily Mail

When avid photographer, Joel Glenn, left his Florida home to become a helicopter pilot in the Vietnam War he wanted to document his strange surroundings and experiences in a war zone.

But his 35-millimetre slides did not do the place justice so he sent away for a three-dimensional camera, with which he proceeded to take the only known 3-D photographs of the historic event.

The unbelievable images, which truly jump from the screen, have been made into an hour-long Memorial Day documentary called 'Sky Soldier: A Vietnam Story in 3-D'. It airs at 9pm tonight on DirecTV, so get your 3-D glasses ready.

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My Comment: This photographer was way ahead of his time.

Russia Dreams Of having A Moonbase

Destination: the Moon Bob Familiar via Wikimedia

Russian Space Chief: 'We’re Talking About Establishing Permanent Bases' On The Moon -- Popular Science

Yesterday, the heads of the space agencies for Europe, Canada, Russia, India, and Japan met in Washington D.C. (without NASA, which had all hands on deck for the SpaceX launch in Florida). The most interesting topic of conversation? The moon, which seems to be the destination on everyone’s agenda except for NASA. And for Russia, it’s less a destination and more a frontier for colonization.

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My Comment: They are ambitious.

The Porsche Covered In Crushed Diamonds

A demo car showing off Gemballa's new diamond 'paint': The paint is made from diamonds ground down to a dust that still sparkles, so it can be applied to cars like a paint. The German company claims that the sheer number of tiny diamonds in the coating leads to an 'incomparable' shin

Talk About A Pimped-Up Ride: The Porsche Covered In Crushed Diamonds (But Can It Take You To The Weekly Shop At Waitrose?) -- Daily Mail

German Porsche-tuner Gemballa has created one of the most over-the-top cars in history - a car encrusted head to toe in diamonds.

But before every rapper in the world rushes for their AmEx, this is just a demo model - real, driveable versions would have to have compromises such as windshields you can actually see through.

‘When Gemballa peaks of diamonds, we really mean it’, explains CEO Andreas Schwarz. ‘Our complex process uses genuine diamonds as its key ingredient - not metal pigments, glass fragments, or crystals.’

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My Comment: I call this imagination and brilliance run amok.

A New Sophisticated Cyber Weapon 'Flame' Discovered In The Middle East

A sophisticated cyber-espionage virus called 'Flame' was found in the Middle East targeting Iran primarily said Russian software security group Kapersky. (SecureList/Courtesy)

Flame: World's Most Complex Computer Virus Exposed -- The Telegraph

The world's most complex computer virus, possessing a range of complex espionage capabilities, including the ability to secretly record conversations, has been exposed.

Middle Eastern states were targeted and Iran ordered an emergency review of official computer installations after the discovery of a new virus, known as Flame.

Experts said the massive malicious software was 20 times more powerful than other known cyber warfare programmes including the Stuxnet virus and could only have been created by a state.

It is the third cyber attack weapon targeting systems in the Middle East to be exposed in recent years.

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More News On The Latest Computer Virus

New Computer Virus Looks Like a Cyberweapon -- New York Times
Cyber weapon ‘Flame’ discovered in thousands of Middle East computers -- Financial Post/Reuters
Computer worm that hit Iran oil terminals 'is most complex yet' -- The Guardian
Powerful 'Flame' Computer Virus Hits Iran, Mideast -- Radio Free Europe
New computer virus hits Iran, West Bank in unprecedented cyberattack -- Haaretz
A new era of cyber warfare: Virus 'weapon' has siphoned secrets from thousands of PCs in Middle East undetected for five years -- Daily Mail
Massive targeted cyber-attack in Middle East uncovered -- CNet
The 'Flame' Computer Virus Strikes Iran, 'Worse Than Stuxnet' -- Arutz Sheva
Complex cyberwar tool 'Flame' found ALL OVER Middle East -- Register
Spy virus 'Flame' infects Middle East -- News 24
Massive cyberattack 'Flame' discovered in the Middle East -- Global Post
'Flame' espionage malware has infected computers across the Middle East -- Wired
‘Flame,’ a cyberweapon that makes Stuxnet look cheap -- Beyond the Beyond.

How To Keep The Ketchup Flowing

MIT’s Freaky Non-Stick Coating Keeps Ketchup Flowing -- Fast Co-Exist

Watch never-before-seen videos of an amazing new condiment lubricant that makes the inside of bottles so slippery, nothing is left inside. This means no more pounding on the bottom of your ketchup containers--and a lot less wasted food.

When it comes to those last globs of ketchup inevitably stuck to every bottle of Heinz, most people either violently shake the container in hopes of eking out another drop or two, or perform the "secret" trick: smacking the "57" logo on the bottle’s neck. But not MIT PhD candidate Dave Smith. He and a team of mechanical engineers and nano-technologists at the Varanasi Research Group have been held up in an MIT lab for the last two months addressing this common dining problem.

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My Comment: This is an invention that I will embrace.

16 Year Old Solves 300-Year-Old Mathematical Riddle Posed By Sir Isaac Newton

Shouryya Ray

German Teen Solves 300-Year-Old Mathematical Riddle Posed By Sir Isaac Newton -- FOX News

DRESDEN, Germany – A German 16-year-old has become the first person to solve a mathematical problem posed by Sir Isaac Newton more than 300 years ago.

Shouryya Ray worked out how to calculate exactly the path of a projectile under gravity and subject to air resistance, The (London) Sunday Times reported.

The Indian-born teen said he solved the problem that had stumped mathematicians for centuries while working on a school project.

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My Comment: 16 years old .... knew calculus at 6. OK .... he has a gift.

What Went Wrong On The Costa Concordia

What Went Wrong On The Costa Concordia -- Popular Mechanics

The sight of behemoth pleasure vessel Costa Concordia sideways in the sea became an indelible image around the world. Here's the full story of how this entirely avoidable vacation-turned-nightmare unfolded.

Antonello Tievoli, headwaiter on the Costa Concordia, stepped onto the bridge of the cruise ship at 9:15 pm on Friday, Jan. 13, of this year. From the wide windows, Tievoli could see the glittering lights of his home, Giglio Island, drawing closer.

Capt. Francesco Schettino knew that Tievoli's sister lived on Giglio, and invited him to the bridge as they cruised past. With its 13 brightly lit decks, the ship was more brilliant than anything on the island. The 4200 people onboard outnumbered the island's residents four to one.

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My Comment:
Something to think about should you decide to go on a cruise.

Sinister Truth About Google Spies

Sinister Truth About Google Spies: Web Giant Deliberately Stole Information But Executives 'Covered It Up' For Years -- Daily Mail

* Work of Street View cars to be examined over allegations Google used them to download personal details
* Emails, texts, photos and documents taken from wi-fi networks as cars photographed British roads
* Engineer who designed software said a privacy lawyer should be consulted
* Calls for police and Information Commissioner to investigate new evidence

Google is facing an inquiry into claims that it deliberately harvested information from millions of UK home computers.

The Information Commissioner data protection watchdog is expected to examine the work of the internet giant’s Street View cars.

They downloaded emails, text messages, photographs and documents from wi-fi networks as they photographed virtually every British road.

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Update: How Google used tech to ‘pry into people’s lives’ -- Times of India

My Comment: Makes you wonder if foreign intelligence agencies are doing the same thing.

Will The U.N. Regulate The Internet?

House To Examine Plan For United Nations To Regulate The Internet -- The Hill

House lawmakers will consider an international proposal next week to give the United Nations more control over the Internet.

The proposal is backed by China, Russia, Brazil, India and other UN members, and would give the UN’s International Telecommunication Union (ITU) more control over the governance of the Internet.

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My Comment
: Governments want to assert control and devise ways to extract money from the internet. In short .... governments are doing what governments do. Sen. Marco Rubio's comments are spot on .... let us hope that his fellow law makers are listening to him.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Darpa Is Still Developing Robots

Meet ‘Robbie’: Darpa’s Seeing, Feeling, Two-Armed Robot -- Danger Room

It’s only been three months since the Pentagon’s latest robot — the one able to staple paperwork and answer phone calls with a single autonomous arm — demonstrated some of those amazing skills. Now, the freaky humanoid ‘bot is back. And this time, he has two arms. And a name.

Meet Robbie. This particular robot was designed by RE2, a robotics firm in Pittsburgh, which showed him off to IEEE Spectrum at their International Conference on Robotics and Automation last week. RE2 was one of six teams initially contracted by Darpa, the Pentagon’s robo-loving research agency, to work on their Autonomous Robotic Manipulation (ARM) program. Launched two years ago, the program aims to develop robots that can perform complex tasks with minimal input from their human overlords.

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My Comment: I guess this program stems from the military's dream of having their terminator robots.

Fears Of The Next HIV

Image from AIDS response

African Monkey Meat That Could Be Behind The Next HIV -- The Independent

Deep in Cameroon's rainforests, poachers are killing primates for food. Evan Williams reports from Yokadouma on a practice that could create a pandemic

Deep in the rainforest of south-east Cameroon, the voices of the men rang through the trees. "Where are the white people?" they shouted. The men, who begin to surround us, are poachers, who make their money from the illegal slaughter of gorillas and chimpanzees. They disperse but make it known that they are not keen for their activities to be reported; the trade they ply could not only wipe out critically endangered species but, scientists are now warning, could also create the next pandemic of a deadly virus in humans.

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My Comment: It's seems that we are destined to experience the next pandemic.

Record-Breaking Parachuteless Skydive (Video)

Video: In Record-Breaking Parachuteless Skydive, Man Jumps 2,400 Feet Into a Pile of Boxes -- Popular Science

Gary Connery broke the record today for skydiving sans parachute and also, presumably, took home a gold medal in being a badass. But that wasn’t all: The 42-year-old father-stuntman-crazy-person gave Newton’s First Law one more slap in the face by diving from 2,400 feet above Buckinghamshire, England, and straight into 18,600 cardboard boxes.

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My Comment: I particularly like Gary Connery's remarks on what he was feeling before the jump .... before the leap, Connery, a veteran of 880 sky dives and 450 base jumps, told reporters he was “a bit scared.”

Neil Armstrong Narrates His Moon Landing (Video)

Neil Armstrong During Apollo 11 Buzz Aldrin took this photo after Armstrong completed his lunar EVA during Apollo 11. NASA/via Wikimedia

Watch: Neil Armstrong Narrates His Moon Landing In a Rare TV Interview -- Popular Science

The immortal first words on the moon, uttered so shakily by a man who has done his best to avoid the spotlight ever since, are even more impressive in hindsight. The Eagle lander nearly plunked Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong in a boulder field, and Armstrong had to take over from autopilot to set the spacecraft down. This is according to very rare new commentary from Armstrong himself.

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My Comment: This reminds me of the great age of American space exploration.

Building Tesla (Photo Gallery)

Tesla Motors will deliver its first batch of Model S sedans this July. Here, one is guided past a series of robotic spray-paint guns. Photographs by John Stocklin

Building Tesla -- Technology Review

At its electric-car factory in Silicon Valley, Tesla obsesses over details like making its own high-tech tools.

Just as Tesla’s cars don’t feel like anything from Detroit, the ­California factory that produces the company’s upcoming Model S electric sedan is inspired as much by Tesla’s high-tech neighbors in Silicon Valley as by a typical auto plant. In particular, Tesla is obsessive about taking care of details itself—whether it’s forming the cars’ bodies from scratch or making tools for the robots that build the vehicles.

CSN Editor: The photo gallery starts here.

'Bionic Eye' Returns Sight To Two Patients

An x-ray of the 'bionic eye' given to Chris James

‘Bionic Eye’ Returns Sight To Two Men After Over 20 Years Of Blindness -- Scotsman

TWO blind men have regained partial sight for the first time in more than 20 years after becoming the first in Britain to be fitted with a “bionic eye”.

Scientists said the first clinical trials of the microchip eye implant, which measures just 3mm across and is fitted behind the eyeball, have proved successful and “exceeded expectations”.

Eye experts developing the pioneering new technology said the first group of British patients to receive the implants were regaining “useful vision” just weeks after undergoing surgery, with one of them describing dreaming “in vivid colour” for the first time in 25 years.

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My Comment: What was a fantasy when The Six Million Dollar Man show was on the air .... is now reality.

A Birth Control Pill For Men?

Gene Discovery Could Lead To Birth Control Pill For Men -- FOX News

When it comes to birth control, numerous options are available to women to help them regulate their menstrual cycle and prevent ovulation. But what if a birth control pill for men were available?

That prospect may soon become a reality now that researchers at the University of Edinburgh have recently discovered a gene that is essential for the development of sperm. Their study, published in the journal PLos Genetics, highlights the gene Katnal1, which causes temporary infertility in male mice when blocked.

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My Comment: There is a market for this .... albeit probably not as big as it is for women.

The Easter Island Heads Also Have BODIES

Here's something not many people know: The Easter Island statues have bodies which go down many feet

Hidden Treat: The Easter Island Heads Also Have BODIES -- Daily Mail

The enduring image in the public's mind of the mysterious heads on Easter Island is simply that - heads.

So it comes as quite a shock to see the heads from another angle - and discover that they have full bodies, extending down many, many feet into the ground of the island.

The Easter Island Statue Project has been carefully excavating two of 1,000-plus statues on the islands - doing their best to uncover the secrets of the mysterious stones, and the people who built them, as best they can.

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My Comment: Something has to keep those heads erect.