A recent study from the ACLU found a high number of law enforcement agencies track cellphone movement. (Michelle Maltais / Los Angeles Times / April 4, 2012)
Police Tracking Of Cellphones Raises Concerns -- L.A. Times
You check in on Foursquare, post geotagged photos on Facebook and tweet every mundane detail of your life. You overshare. But do you really want the cops tracking your cellphone without your knowledge?
A recent review of law-enforcement practices by the American Civil Liberties Union revealed that it's not uncommon for cellphones to be virtually tailed using either the phone's own GPS or cellular triangulation -- without obtaining a warrant or subpoena.
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More News On Police Departments Tracking Cell Phones
ACLU: Police track cellphones, too -- MSNBC
Police Are Using Phone Tracking as a Routine Tool -- New York Times
ACLU: Local police departments tracking cellphones without warrants -- Washington Post
ACLU: Most Police Departments Track Cellphones Without Warrants -- National Journal
More Police Agencies Using Warrantless Cell Phone Tracking in Surveillance -- New American
ACLU report: Warrantless tracking of cellphones ‘pervasive and frequent’ -- The Hill
Big Brother in Your Pocket: How Police Use Your Cell Phone to Track You -- The Atlantic