Friday, January 29, 2010

Earth's Haunting Craters: Big Pics

Meteor Crater, Arizona -- Photographer Stan Gaz was in Arizona when
he came across a postcard of the Meteor Crater.

From Discovery News:

"The postcard intrigued me, so I went to see it," he said. "My father was a geologist. He would take me on these expeditional trips to go rock hunting when he was alive, when I was a kid. When I saw the crater it made me think of him, what he would have thought, what his reaction would have been. Immediately I thought, 'I'm going to look into this more.'"

In 2003, Gaz launched into a six-year-long global project of tracking down and photographing the planet's cosmic scars, beginning with Meteor Crater. The results speak for themselves: haunting, otherworldly images of craters that are familiar, and yet utterly strange.

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